Out of Hereford


To further, extend our variety of people from Herefordshire we knew we had to travel outside the city centre. Our first stops were Marden, Leominster and Bromyard. In Marden, we met Sophie and wandered into the countryside to take her portrait with the rural scenery in the background, understanding why she loves living there. We then visited the Conquest Theatre in Bromyard to hear about the opportunities they give the young people and learn about the difficulties they have experienced during the pandemic.

Finally, we travelled to Leominster to meet some inspiring young people who are supported by participation worker Deb Barnett. She supports young people who are care experienced. Two of the lovely young women we met were mums, both living independently, but have continued to be supported by Deb. It was interesting to meet young adults with children who didn’t have family members close by to support them. One of the young women has also been involved in setting up the Black Lives Matter peaceful demonstrations in Hereford last year and spoke eloquently about her own experiences.

If you’d like to learn more about the P.O.V. project, you can visit the Rural Media website here


Interview with Sade